“I ask you to hear my remarks not as information, nor as argument, but as a call to action.” Secretary Arne Duncan, National Convention of the Parent Teacher Association, Austin, Texas, June 20, 2014
To give meaning to this statement; it must be understood that education or to EDUCATE has to do with learning, tutoring, mentoring, edifying, extraction, nurturing, to enlighten, educe (educere- to draw out)…
Learning – gone are the days when “Spreadsheet Magic” was a best seller. There is a definite shift towards learning first, with tech incidental to learning.
Pocket used to be called Read It Later. This year it rebranded as Pocket, although for a while you could see 3rd party apps using the Read It Later name for sharing tools. Pocket, like Readability and Instapaper, is largely a service for saving so...
The realities of standardized tests and increasingly structured, if not synchronized, curriculum continue to build classroom stress levels. Neuroimaging research reveals the disturbances in the brain's learning circuits and neurotransmitters that ...
Arriving home after a long day at the office spent almost entirely in front of the computer, you take off your shoes, make yourself a drink and, ironically, sit in front of your computer again.
Back in 2012, we shared how to cite a tweet. We followed that up with how to cite an app.
Like most teachers, I have a passion for making a difference to the lives of the kids I teach. Today, this has led me to acknowledge the difference someone else has made in my life. That person is John Hattie. Why am I writing this now?
Ten techniques you can use to deal with stress that you can’t avoid. The best way to reduce stress is, of course, to identify the source and get rid of it.
Imagine a school where classes are organized not by subject but by project — a school created not by administrators, but by teachers fed up with the status quo. A school where kids from a city's toughest neighborhoods are given the opportunity to ...
At Domino's, failure is an option. It has to be if we want to continue to push ourselves, and give our customers the food they deserve. That's why we're introducing our new Specialty Chicken. It's not something you'd expect from a... http://www.Domin
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t struggle with how to make the most of their time at work.
Eric Sheninger is the principal at New Milford High School, N.J., where he is working to advance learning in the digital age and create a model that shows teachers and school administrations how to better leverage technology in and out of the clas...
If the message in this video resonates with you feel free to send it to any teachers, principals, professors, university presidents, boards of regents, boards of education, etc. you think should see it.
EDS Cat herding http://www.richardmclaughlin.biz/
1742 Currently viewing
Marshmallows can predict your future. In the 1960s, there was an experiment with marshmallows.
Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindsets has dominated much of the attention around how students can influence their own learning. But there are other ways to help students tap into their own motivation, too. Here are a few othe...
As they do in other fields full of human beings, money, and systems, discussions about teaching and learning usually tend towards two extremes. Either there sky is falling panic, or the more things change the more they stay the same indifference.
The problems of leadership begin with words. Say the wrong thing and clients head for the door. Relationships blow up. Production declines. Tensions escalate. Employees lose motivation. Words are the most powerful tool of leadership.
Outtake from the book "Anything You Want" - by Derek SiversSee http://sivers.org/a for more infoFull transcript at http://sivers.org/obvious
And finally, I write this post for teachers of all grade levels and all content areas. There is a vicious epidemic that has been spreading and continues to spread unchecked across the globe. The achievement gap that is so often spoken of is merely...
A life in schools is filled with metaphors, and one of my favorites is the idea that the curriculum should be both a "window" and a "mirror" for students.
Google's cloud productivity suite, whatever you want to call it, has been making inroads in the world of work and collaboration. And it's not just because there's no software to install, it auto-saves your work, and it's free.
Building an airplane in flight is like tech integration because...
Good Morning. You All Have An F: Increasing Student Engagement Via An Additive Grading System In a way, the current education system is already set up like a game–just not a very well designed one.
Marc Prensky is the author of Brain Gain: Technology and the Quest for Digital Wisdom. Follow him @marcprensky. For today’s young people, using technology is as fundamental as reading was for their parents and grandparents. It underlies and suppo...
Teaching has been compared to rocket science, but usually in jest, as in it’s not rocket science. Teaching isn’t rocket science; it’s harder.
Part 2 in the series Learning In the New Economy of Information. Perhaps one of the most powerful expectations of students in an environment of scarcity is that they not question the source of the information.
Teachers are the arbitrators of knowledge and culture. Knowledge and culture are each dynamic, endlessly crashing and churning.
Take a crystal ball and look into the future of education. What do you think you might see, what changes will be needed in our current system to prepare students for the modern world? One of the key words educators often use is “innovation”.
In some ways, PowerPoint presentations have become the “five paragraph essay” [of] yesterday. Most of us who’ve taught English for more than fifteen years remember that monstrosity.
Is it possible that some school reforms that hold promise are failing because educators are simply not given the time or resources to communicate and build meaningful relationships with each other in order to properly implement them? Or because th...
Preface: You don’t mean to bore students. In fact, sometimes you’re downright interesting–the students are engaged, the buzz in the room is palpable, and even the hesitant students are asking questions.
I have read what seems like several, but in reality is probably a few blog posts recently that have claimed to have examined technology in schools and found that it has made little difference in learning.
As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward.
An animated highlight of John Seely Brown's Keynote Presentation, "Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Learner in the 21st Century," at the 2012 Digital Media and Learning Conference. Watch John Seely Brown's full Keynote Presentation at ...
While there’s no denying that progress is a wonderful thing, the rate at which the world is changing is creating an environment in which objects that were commonplace to today’s parents will be virtually unheard of when their babies become adults.
First, let me thank you for entrusting me with teaching your children, honoring the amazing individuals they are, and helping them discover the confident and empowered young people they can be.
Research on how, where, and when people learn has expanded greatly in the past 15 years. Learning is a cultural, social, and ongoing process of inquiry, engagement, and participation in the world around us.
When we were invited to sum up at the end, I realized that one guest had not been invited to the table: Passion. I was the first to interject this word, saying that “passion should not be the number one thing on the agenda, it IS the agenda.”
What’s worth learning? Veteran educator Marion Brady tries to answer the question below.
Just let me start off by saying that the term "21st Century Learning" still drives me crazy.
Click here to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post and watch the TEDTalk below. Professor Sugata Mitra didn't invent student-driven learning.
Helping students learn how to learn: That’s what most educators strive for, and that’s the goal of inquiry learning. That skill transfers to other academic subject areas and even to the workplace where employers have consistently said that they wa...
When asked why he became a scientist, Nobel Laureate Isidor Rabi attributed his success to his mother. Every day, she would ask him the same question about his school day: “Did you ask a good question today?”
It is not a version of grit to passively accept boredom. It is not a version of grit to be passive. For teachers or for students: it’s a version of submission. It is good to know how to manage one’s boredom in life without losing one’s mind.
One of the barriers to opportunities afforded by education is the mindset of our students. There's a considerable body of evidence supporting the view that implicit theories of intellect can undermine or improve student motivation in school.
Parenting these days is patrolled by the language police.
Using tech tools that students are familiar with and already enjoy using is attractive to educators, but getting students focused on the project at hand might be more difficult because of it.
What makes a good ICT role model? Please take our incredibly short survey at:ictrolemodel Want to make your ICT lessons more interesting?
Defining what it means to have a “successful” high school is quite the challenge, with stakeholders often disagreeing on the approach to take.
Sunday, 27 July 2014
My Top Diigo Links of the Week
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